Choice-Move Handlers
This script provides a custom event (as in, event-driven programming) or choice windows called an “on cursor move” event. This event is triggered whenever the choice window cursor changes to a different option. You can...
This script provides a custom event (as in, event-driven programming) or choice windows called an “on cursor move” event. This event is triggered whenever the choice window cursor changes to a different option. You can...
This script uniquely tracks events throughout the game. It introduces the concept of an Event Unique Identifier, or simply an event’s uid. The uid is composed of two pieces of information -the event’s ID...
This script allows you to use a formula to calculate an enemy’s parameters. You can use literal values or a set of variables provided for the formulas.
This script allows you to manage multiple start locations, giving each a unique name that you can use in your scripts or script calls. You can create as many start locations as you want...
This script allows you to add “feature conditions” to any objects that hold features. These conditions are used to control whether the features from an object are applied to your actor or not. For example, suppose...