Category: Gameplay Enhancements


Battle Reactions

This script provides functionality for setting up “battle reactions”, which are actions that are automatically invoked in response to certain actions. A reaction is similar to a counter-attack, except instead of responding to any attack,...


Region Fog

This script allows you to control fog of war using region tiles.  Each map can assign multiple different regions of fog. Different fog regions are separate from one another. Script calls are used to show...

Full Input Keyboard 154

Full Input Keyboard

This script allows you to assign game keys to any key on your keyboard. It also provides methods for handling input such as checking for input triggers or releases. This script was written by...

State Rate Popups 9

State Rate Popups

This script is an add-on for Yanfly’s Damage Popup script, either the standalone version or built into Ace Battle Engine. It displays popups when you use a skill that inflicts a state, informing you...