Almost all scripts that I have written can be found here. I have been updating this list less frequently ever since I started making actual blog posts, however.
All scripts are for RPG Maker VX Ace unless specified.
You may re-post any of the scripts on this blog anywhere, but it is preferred that you link to the actual blog post because I may make changes at anytime.
Note that scripts that do not have a blog post (eg: they are posted on a forums) are likely not supported. If you come across such a script and would like assistance, please make a post on the forums addressing the issue and I will look at it there. If I am interested in providing proper support for the script I will then make a blog post.
Core Scripts
I only call them “Core” scripts because they are meant to overwrite the default scripts, and all other scripts will be built on these scripts. They tend to be fairly short since they are just changing specific pieces of code, and you only need it if a script uses it.
- Core: Learning – specifying learning conditions has never been more flexible
- Core: Damage Processing – modularized damage processing method to increase flexibility
- Core: Inventory – abstracts the inventory into its own entity
- Effect Manager – Easily define and add new effects to your project
- Feature Manager – base script for all feature-related scripts
- Command Manager – base script for all command-related scripts
- Tag Manager – bringing tag clouds into RM!
- Equip Manager – More control over your equips
- Note Manager – Use external files for note tags, and create note sections inside your notes
Event related
- Vehicle Events
- Event Trigger Labels
- Common Event Triggers
- Common Event Arguments
- Event Positions
- Equip Events – assign common events to run when you equip or un-equip something
- Large Script Calls – Interpret sequential script calls as a single script call
- Large Choices – “built-in” implementation of multiple choices
- Event Extend: Page Conditions
- Event Parallel Pages – run multiple pages concurrently
- Party Graphics – face/char images based on party member position
- Compass Move Commands
- Page Note Conditions – Use note tags to specify page conditions
- Icon Event Graphics – Use icons as event graphics
- Choice Options – add extra options to your choices! Hiding choices, disabling choices, …
- Custom Event Triggers – additional page triggers for your events
- Vehicle Routes – set move routes for vehicles on the map
- Preserve Data – allow certain data to remain the same even if the player loads a savefile
- Counted loops – for loops in the interpreter!
- Post-Battle Events – Additional event processing after the victory/defeat sequence
- Random Event Positions – Randomize an event’s position within a specified region
- Stacked Events – create multiple, independent events on the same tile
- Event Followers – allows you to follow events
- Custom Page Conditions – add custom page conditions for all events
- Gab Manager – Display gab windows in every scene!
- Map Drops
- Negated Conditional branch – checks the opposite of what you specify
- Extended Common Events – use a map event as a common event
- Reference Events – eliminate duplicate events using references!
- Gameover Events – use a common event to set up the gameover sequence
- Count up Clock – change the game timer to count up instead of down
- Region Events – convert an entire region into an event
- Follower Move Routes – control followers using move route events
- Daily Bonus –
- Reference Event Pages –
- Event Wait Command – have an event wait until a certain condition is met
- Scripted Action Trigger – perform an “action trigger” check with script calls
- Symbol Dial System – easily create custom input dials and use them in your events
Actor Related
- Variable Max Level
- Parameter Levels
- Learn and Replace – learn a new skill, and replace old ones
- Class Max Level – Specify separate max levels for each class rather than based on actor
- Replace Attack Command – Change attack command when an attack skill is usable
- Permanent States – states that never disappear without events. Good for passive features
- Shared EXP – EXP is distributed among battle members
- Dominant Class – actor’s stats are based on the class with highest level
- Actor Inventory – each actor has their own inventories instead of a party inventory
- Feature Conditions – conditions that must be met before features are applied
- Class Graphics – face and character graphics based on current class
- Actor Trade Scene –
- Max TP Formula – use a formula to determine a battler’s max TP
- Forget Condition Formula – formula that will automatically forget a learned skill
- Parameter Bonuses – formulas to add extra bonuses to any parameter
- Parameter Tables – use external spreadsheets to manage parameters
- Exp Tables – use external spreadsheets to manage exp tables
- Level Difference Exp – gained exp is adjusted by difference in levels
- Actor Victory Exp – gained exp is determined for each individual actor
Command related
All scripts require the Command Manager
- Use Item – set items as commands during battle
- Use Skill – set skills as commands during battle
- Enemy Talk – Set up talk events and talk to enemies in battle
- Change Equip – change equips in battle
- Guard Skill Command – allows you to change what the “guard” command does.
- Attack Skill Command – Dynamically change the skill that the “Attack” command executes
- Menu Command Manager –
Party related
- Player Switch
- Party Regroup
- Gold Limits
- Rotate Formation – rotate battle formation on the map with a single push of a key
- Free Formation – unrestricted party formation! Still based on default engine though
- Identify Item – items are unknown until you identify them!
- Corpse Retrieval – all items and gold are dropped on the map and can be retrieved
- Party Manager
- Idle Party Events
- Shared Party Inventory
- Idle Party Conditions
- Party Trade Scene
- Party Member Costs –
- Multiple Party Merger – merge multiple parties together
Items/Skills related
- Transform Use Item – Gain new items and lose the old when an item is used
- TP Damage Type
- Use Condition Tags
- Item Stack Size
- Dynamic Stack Size –
- User Effects – Execute effects regardless whether you hit the target or not
- Skill Links –
- Action Speed Formulas –
- Skill Levels – add levels to your actors’ skills
- Skill Trees – add skill level requirements for learning new skills
- Skill Type Groups – have one skill type contain other skill types
- Skill Change – set up conditions and probabilities for executing special effects
- Damage Subformulas – create different formulas depending on the user and target
- Battle Use Limits – limits the number of times a skill or item can be used in a single battle
- Custom Use Conditions – additional requirements to use a skill or item
- Formula Effects – Execute formulas as your effects
- Attack Element Modifiers – customize the way elemental damage is applied
- Instance Items – allows you to treat all items as individual objects
- Item Rarity –
- Item Affixes – add prefixes and suffixes to add bonuses to your items
- Item Affix Rarity –
- Gain Exp Effect – add an effect to your items/skills for targets to gain EXP
Map Related
- Region Names
- Water walk state
- Map Screenshot – take a full image of your map
- Encounter Update – change encounters on the map dynamically
- Encounter Alert – display an alert when the player runs into a random encounter
- Tile Swap – change tiles quickly with a single script call
- Map Folders – Organize maps into folders to work with more than 999 maps
- Overlay Passage map – display 4-directional passage of the current map in real-time
- Overlay Region map – display the map’s regions in real-time
- Overlay Maps – layer maps over each other easily
- Overlay Map Zoom – change the zoom setting of overlay maps
- Connected Maps – connect multiple maps together to make a really large map
- Area Maps – take those connected maps and turn them into separate areas
- Camera Target – choose which character the camera is following
- Map Regions – Attach region-specific properties to each region on your map
- Placeholder Maps – use conditions to determine which map should be loaded
Feature Related
All scripts require the Feature Manager
- Param Max/Min – Dynamically set the max/min limits on actor/enemy params
- Switch Condition – Require a switch to be set to equip an item or use a skill
- Gold Rate – set the gold multiplier
- Gold Limit – set the limit on how much gold you can carry
- Max TP – Increase/decrease how much TP your actor can have
- Skill Power Modifier – Modify damage dealt by particular skills when conditions are met
- TP Cost Rate – Modify how much TP your skills cost
- Level Cap
- Reverse Heal – reverses effects from healing skills
- Parameter Requirements – Require certain stats in order to equip weapon/armor
- Movement Speed – change your party’s move speed
- Encounter Rate – Change party’s encounter rate
- Enemy EXP – set how much exp the enemy will give
- Haggle Rate – change prices at the shop when buying
- Skill Replace – replace a skill with another skill!
- Attack Animation – change your “attack” animation
- Hue Change – change the color of the battler!
- Passive States
- Level Requirements – Adds max/min level requirements for your equips
- Gender Requirement
- Actor Requirement
- Class Requirement
- Geomancy Element Shift – changes target’s element rates when you attack
- Change Opacity – changes a battler’s opacity
Enemy Related
- Enemy Drops – Have more than 3 drops per enemy!
- Drop Item Sets – group enemy drops into sets and add special conditions for obtaining them
- Enemy Re-position – move the enemy around the screen during battle
- Enemy Exp Formulas – use formulas to determine how much exp an enemy drops
- Enemy Gold Formulas – use formulas to determine how much gold an enemy drops
- Enemy Param Formulas – use formulas to calculate an enemy’s params
- Enemy Level – assign levels to enemies
- Enemy Class – assign classes to enemies
- Enemy Events – associate events with enemies to automatically add them in battle
- Enemy Action Conditions – add custom conditions to an enemy’s actions
Equip Related
- Equippable Limits – set a limit on how many of the same equip you can wear at the same time
- Core Equip Slots – Advanced equip slot management
- Custom Equip Types – create your own custom equip types
- Dynamic Equip Slots – Add or remove equip slots using script calls
- Equip Param Formulas – Define an equip’s parameters using formulas
- Multiple Equip Types –
- Dynamic Weapon Animations –
Troop Related
- Battle Sprite Auto-position – sprites appear in proper position even with window resize
- Troop Event Spans – adds some more troop event-related spans for more control
- Large Troops – Combine multiple troops into one big troop
- Enemy Reinforcements – add or remove enemies, or troops, into the battle with script calls
- End Phase Triggers – Check events before the battle ends in case anything can run!
- Troop Battle BGM – set up custom BGM for specific troops
- Encounter Conditions – determine whether troops or troop members will show up
- Troop Escape Ratio – custom escape ratio for individual troops
- Troop Placeholders
- Battle Sprite Zooming – Change the zoom level for battlers
- Troop Surprise Condition – use a formula to set the surprise condition
- Troop Emerge Name – customize the “emerge” text for each troop
- Encounter Regions – extended functionality for encounter regions
Shop Related
All scripts require the Shop Manager
- Tactics Ogre Crafting Shop – allows you to make a crafting shop
- Common Event Shop – purchase items that will run a common event
- Learn Skill Shop – purchase skills to learn directly from a shop
- Sell Only Shop – you can only sell items to these shops. But you can set up their sell prices
- Shop Stock – set up stock limits for a shop
- Gamble Item Shop
- Price Formulas – set prices for shop goods using formulas
- Sell Price Formulas – Specify custom sell prices in your shop using formulas
Sprite Related
- Character Flash – Set flash options for characters on the map
- Eight Directional Movement – use 8-dir sprites
- Picture Anchor – control what a picture’s position is relative to
- Character Sprite Zooming – change the size of character sprites dynamically
State Related
- Custom Death State – set the death state of various battlers
- Execution States – states that are applied when you perform a particular action
- Untargetable State – Prevents any skills or items from affecting the battler
- State Faces – faces to use for actors when a state is applied
- Progressive States – states that automatically change to a different state
- TP Max State – Adds states when an actor’s TP is maxed
- Param Max State – Adds states when an actor’s battle params are maxed
- State Caster – Allows you to remember who casted the state on a battler
- State Charges – Adds charges to states, providing more control over state duration
- Conditional States – use conditions to determine which state should be applied
- Cover Targets – allows you to cover only specific battlers.
- Passive Conditional States –
Effect Related
- Conditional Effects –
All scripts require the Effect Manager
- Effect: Rare Candy – a simple script based on the same item from the Pokemon series
- Effect: Gold Pouch – gives you money when you use the item. Or skill.
- Effect: Steal Drops – add a “steal” effect to your item/skill to steal enemy drops
- Effect: Coin Toss – toss coins at the enemy!
- Effect: Devour – Eat an enemy.
- Effect: Strip Equip – Attacks can remove equips from the battler
- Effect: Mana Shield – Use MP as a substitute for your HP
- Effect: Vampiric Weapon – all attacks will drain HP
- Effect: Thorn Mail – When attacked, enemy will receive some damage
- Effect: Blue Magic – Learn blue magic when you are hit with it
- Effect: Level Down – temporarily decrease the battler’s level during the battle
- Effect: Banish – remove the battler from the battle
- Effect: Toggle State – remove state if added, otherwise add state
- Effect: Auto States – automatically add states at the beginning of battle
- Effect: Active Cost – consume HP/MP to keep a state active
- Effect: Map Escape – Transfer to an “escape point” on the current map, if one exists.
- Effect: TP Charge – Consume all TP to power up your skill
- Effect: Set Switch – change the value of a switch when using an item/skill
- Effect: Set Variable – change value of a variable when using an item/skill
- Effect: Shape Shift – transform into another battler
- Effect: Golden Touch – convert your items and equips into gold!
- Effect: Common Event – calls a common event…but with more info!
- Effect: Level Bonus – obtain extra params on level up
- Effect: Win Recovery – recover HP/MP after winning a battle
- Effect: Required Items – skills/items now require and consume items before they can be used
- Effect: State Action – skills/items trigger special actions when a state is applied
- Effect: Recoil Damage –
- Effect: Add self-state – simply adds a state to the user
Action Related
- Tsuki Action
- Double Cast – repeat skills multiple times when a state is applied
- Skill Cast-time
- Random hits
- Scope Change – invert or toggle scope of an action!
- Mime Effect
- Action History – store all of the actions and their results performed in battle
- Auto Removal – remove skills and equips after actions!
- Scope Conditions – use formulas to determine whether an action will affect a target
Battle Related
- Enemy Reinforcements
- Reverse Time – “turn back time” in battle by undoing action results.
- Vehicle Battle
- Target Hit Rate Info – display the “hit rate” for the enemy
- Battle Rules – set victory/defeat conditions for battles
- Synchronized Battlers – link battlers together to activate sync effects
- Synchronization Effects – additional sync effects for sync’d battlers
- Battle Reactions – set up reactions to occur when conditions are met
- Cover Conditions – custom conditions for covering other battlers
Scene/Window Related
- Window Timer – a countdown timer for windows
- Window Animation Designer – Simple modifications to animate your windows
- Menu Music – Play custom music in the menu
- Scene Interpreter – run common events in any scenes
- Clock Graphic – replace the timer sprite with your own sprite
- Inventory Sorting
- Icon Balloons
- Choice-Move Handlers – assign handlers to cursor moving in choice windows
- Message Skip – fast forward messages
- Multiple Handler Methods – assign multiple methods to the same handler
- State Rate Popup – show popup alerts when applying states during battle
- Scene Event Animations – create animations right in your scenes with eventing!
Message Related
- Convert Code: Eval – dynamically evaluate formulas in your messages
- Message Face Control – message codes to change faces during a message
Dev Tools
- Custom Database
- Event Wrapper
- Resource Checker
- Map Creator – creates maps of arbitrary sizes. Mind the 250000 tile limit.
- Picture Wrapper
- Combine Scripts
- Test Play Setup – set some initial values when you test play
- Exp Tables – use external files to store exp tables!
- Database Notes – note-tags for most database fields so you can go past the limits
- Data Backup – create regular backups of all your data files automatically
- Import Parameters – Manage class parameters in a spreadsheet, then import into RM
- Test Edit – test play and edit your project at the same time! And commit the changes
- Custom Icon Sheets – allows you to separate your icons into different sheets
- Jump to Label – custom label-jumping command that accepts variables as well
- Bit Switches – treats a variable as a set of switches
- Preserve Data – forcefully saves data into save files
- Common Event Variables – reserves a set of variables to be updated with common event data
- Full-sized Animations – animate an entire picture instead of 192×192 cells
- Global Common Events – create common events that will run (almost) anywhere
- Gameover Images – set which image to use for your game over scene
- Event Command Tree – easily modify event command lists using tree operations
- Data Patcher – allows you to easily distribute small patches
- Bit Switches – use a single variable to serve as many many switches
- Splash Screen Map – use a map to create a splash screen
- Command-line Args Loader –
- Simple Audio Encryption –
- Battle Test Profiles –
- Music Mute Switch – when switch is ON, will mute a specific set of music
Utility Scripts
Convenience scripts for other scripters and script-users
- Global Event Tracker
- Party Level
- Custom Start Locations
- Equip Checks – script calls for equip-related conditional checks
- Change Equips – script calls for changing equips
- Event Trigger Direction – script calls for checking character directions
- Compressed Save Files – compress your save files to save space!
- External Script Loader – load scripts from an external folder
- Move Route Triggering – touch events can occur during move routes
These are older scripts that I wrote when I first started RM scripting. No guarantees that they will work…
Please, can you update the download link for the Monster Hunter script
thanks in advance
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Hello! Thanks a lot for your work!
I might be a little too late, but if it’s not too much trouble, could you update the link of your Vehicle Events script? It’s a really useful script and somehow the only one of its kind, and I really need it for a project.
Thank you!
Hello Hime, your link for Monster Hunter which linked into dropbox is down, i really need it
Hello, if you’re still doing these VX Ace Scripts, is it possible to get a script that’ll make it so that your followers in the map would be in different positions, similar to how Kingdom Hearts Party Members are in game?
Your parameter level script download link to dropbox on RPGMakerCentral does not work anymore, the page claiming “file not found”.So, please update the download so people can use that nifty script again
Hi !
Just a post to inform you that your Dropbox link for the Vehicle Events script is down.
And thank you for your great job !
I’m unsure of if my message went through or not since there was a thunderstorm last night and I don’t see it here.
But the links for your Parameter Levels, Magic Units, and Magic Junction downloads are down and if you could, I’d love for them to be put back up.
Hello there,
Can you reupload the Rotate Formation script?
The link expired I think “^^>
Thank you very much
Hello again, my dearest lady fair.
On the Database Notes, I’ve always wondered how to implement a skill to hit function that continues to hit the target until the attack misses. Is it possible to implement this with Database Notes?
If you’re not sure what I mean, like, a Saiyan Rage induced barrage of punches that continues hitting, doing more and more damage, until the first miss, which could potentially mean that the first attack misses and does no damage, or the attack hits a hundred times before a miss.
If one could reply quickly, I’d appreciate it much. Take care, milady.
Hello, thanks for your script.
Could you update the links (or give the script) of Magic Unit / Magic Junction and Draw Magic, please ?
Hey, the link in the thread for your Window Timer script for VX Ace leads to a 429 error on dropbox 😮
((thank you for creating so many great scripts by the way, they’re all so helpful!))
Hello Hime, your link for autoremoval which linked into dropbox
expired (error 429)
Can you please fix it ?
I dont want necromancing the thread
It has been updated.
The link to your Event Positions redirects me to your RPGMakerCentral thread but the dropbox link to your script in there gives me a 429 error. 🙁
I have updated the link.
Hey, can you post the reverse time script again?
The link has been updated
I have seen this Materia System script elsewhere, however I am not looking to have the battle scene be a side view. Long story short, I had thought you had made a similar system, but am unsure of which script it would be. Oh, the materia system was made by a one Victor Sant.
reverse time script has traffic shown on dropbox.Please if you can ,I need it.
I think the database notes script is down,I get a 429 error when I try to get it from Dropbox.
Hello, Hime. Thanks for your amazing scripts. I hope you can help me with a problem: I want my map to be like Game Boy’s Zelda games (the map scrolls when the character gets to the limit of the screen), divided in 17×13 tiles sections. I used your “Zelda-style scrolling script”, and it’s ok, but I want the camera to always focus on the center of these sections. I set the player to begin in the center of one of the 17×13 sections and there is no problem, but when, for example, I enter a house and then get out of it, the camera centers in the player and the sections change… I don’t know if I explained myself. I also used your “camera target script”, but it doesn’t seem to work. I hope you can give me a solution for this. Sorry for the long comment and thank you in advance. 🙂
P.S. I am using RPG Maker VX ACE.
For the camera target script, are you setting the position of the camera whenever you enter a new map?
Just to make sure I am doing this right: I created the script above main and below materials, then I created an event in the centre of one of the sections, created a movement route in it with the script set_camera_target(char_0) and set it to trigger in paralell. Then I run the game and after “new game” I get this message:
Script ‘Game_Character’ line 180: NameError occurred.
undefined variable or method ‘char_0’ for #
By the way, the download link in your web doesn’t work. I got the script from somewhere else.
It should just be 0.
Ah! Good. It works now, but I would like to set several of these events in the map. The camera only focus on the first one and when I get to the limit of the screen, it doesn’t scroll to the next section…
I think when you get to the edge of the screen, your transfer event should set the focus to the player.
Sorry to be the bearer of more bad news, but it appears that ‘Double Cast’, ‘Mime Effect’, and ‘Action History’ are down as well because of Dropbox traffic.
Thanks for the report. They have been updated.
I hate to be a bother, but Dropbox link for the “Random Hits” skill is down as well.
I have updated the link.
Thank you very very much!! ^_^
Hello,not sure if this has been asked somewhere before,also not sure if would be easy/simple or difficult but,with the vampiric weapon script,would it be possible to make it drain MP instead of HP?
You should be able to change references from HP to MP and it should work.
Hey, sorry to be a bother but the link for the Icon Balloons script also seems to be down! Might you be able to fix it/update it? Thanks 🙂
Link updated
Heya, I’m just posting this to say the Link in the Forum post for Effect: Set Variable is down because Dropbox doesn’t like traffic.
Updated link.
Hey Hime, can you update link for Mana Shield?
Updated on
I’m sorry if I didn’t completely check the list, but is there a script to change a title screen when a certain ending (or a certain switch) has been turned ON? And no matter how many times the player relaunch the game, it will still be the same?
For example, the original title is a shape of red heart. Then, if the player get a bad ending. When they return to the title, the graphic will change to a black broken heart. Or, if the player get a happy ending, the title will change graphic to a bright pink heart.
1)No matter where the player save, it will keep affect the title,
2)Even if they reset or relaunch the game, the graph will stay like that,
3)It’s controlled by a switch (or maybe variable?), and
4)It can changed again when the player obtained different ending.
Please help me ._. Is there a script that can do this? I’m sorry for the long explanation, and I’m actually a newbie at VXAce…
Thank you.
Something like this? I’m not sure:
Hi Hime!
I’m posting here because you don’t seem to have a HimeWorks page for Large Script Call. Hope you don’t mind!
The Large Script Call has been one of the most useful scripts I’ve had in ALL of my projects, but the one little annoyance is that it becomes a bit harder to see comments in my eventing (since placing a green “Comment” will break up the large script call). I can still add a code comment as part of the Script call, but that is harder to find when looking through a large event.
Would it be possible to allow Large Script Call to gracefully skip the “Comment” event code between two otherwise-consecutive Script Calls and treat these two (or more) Script Calls as one? Or would this require a large rewrite of the way that Large Script Call works?
Thanks as always! 🙂
Script has been updated with a configuration option to ignore comments. By default it does not.
Awesome!! Thank you for the update
Both of the methods I know, Himeworks and Galv scripts, offer lots of additional features I just dont want or need.
The region name script is a wonderful script.
It works without a hitch.
The only thing though, is that there are only 63 mappable regions. What if one world map had more than 63 different areas (like in Pokemon)? How to circumnavigate that issue?
I would look for a script that allows you to specify regions using some other method. For example, I used a text-file to specify regions based on map coordinates and displayed them here:
However, a text-file might not be the most productive solution.
Very interesting. I wonder how it could be implemented.
I know it isn’t a fully supported script, but the Actor Creator is really cool.
My only issue is that the modifying of existing actors doesn’t work.
It’ll go into the screen, but guess what?
Even when I set up the script calls appropriately, it instead makes a new character.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
What are your script calls?
I’ve got it setup like this:
false, false, false)
I have it setup as two separate lines.
I have not changed the default characters, so actor 11 should be a blank slate when saved to…?
Not sure if the actor_id=11 makes a difference. You can take out the actor_id= part.
What do you mean by “makes a new character”? It should change actor 11 based on what is specified in the scene.
Instead of modifying the current character, it adds a new one, and then I have two in my party.
Before, if I removed the actor_id= part, it gave me a syntax error, but it’s not doing that now. However, it still makes a new character and I do not understand why (unless I have a cloning issue?)
Please report further issues on the issue tracker, as I do not have plans to support this script.
You can create a new project demonstrating the issue as well since I don’t know how your project is set up to determine what could be causing the issue.
Anyone remember Intangir, from Final Fantasy VI? You know, the one that started out with ‘Invisible’ status, that launched a flurry of unblockable Meteors if ANY sort of Magic was used on it (including stuff like ‘Cure’), that was incredibly difficult to defeat, and had little purpose for defeat other than a Bestiary entry, 10 AP, and maybe a Magicite Shard. Located on Triangle Island in the first half of the game.
I’m looking to recreate this in my own game; the problem is, I cannot make the special enemy vanish, even with a complicated mess of troop event pages, conditions and copies of the same enemy (one of which has no graphic). Or no, I can, but it doesn’t always work, and if it does, the enemy, when the conditions for it being invisible are no longer there, does not reappear.
I read about the invisible state. Immune to physical attacks and removed on magical attack. You can create a state that sets PDR to 0% (or was it 100%). I don’t know if they actually turn invisible, but if they do you could use the “enemy transform” command to turn them into the one with no sprite and add the state.
How did you implement the event to remove the invisibility?
Switches, and conditional branches that aren’t exactly effective (currently the enemy in question has three different states -normal- -undead- and -invisible- and each is their own separate enemy listing). The thing about enemy transform is that it doesn’t render the enemy invisible.
To be precise, when -normal- takes a certain amount of damage, the enemy is supposed to become -undead-. Only then will it use a spell to turn -invisible-.
After -undead- takes a certain amount of damage, it will return to -normal-, and then the cycle should end there. But going from invisible to undead again has not worked well….unless I’m missing something…
The problem would be determining whether the skill that you use is physical or magical, and executing an event to remove the invisible state based on that condition?
I kinda figured out a solution. It required I use more switches, but the flow of battle seems to work correctly now. It also required I added another enemy (I had to break the invisibility cycle to where the enemy could only use it once), but it seems to work. Only issue is unnecessary arbitrary in-battle text that keeps popping up when I don’t need it to…
Perhaps I’ll use lite cam of bandicam to record the test battle and I’ll either upload it to YouTube or MEGA and send you the url. I’ll also upload screen shots of all the battle pages used if I do this.
About your Banish Script, does it work both ways, on both the party, and the enemy?
I don’t have an account on, so if you could just quickly answer this, that would be well appreciated. Merci.
I think it should work on both, since I didn’t specify whether it should only work on actors or not.
Also, the Devour effect. Does it make an enemy/party member vanish?
Or, does it just hurt them?
It sets their HP to 0 which will inflict the death state unless they are immortal.
I also have another query.
The status ailments in Final Fantasy such as Petrify/Stone/Numb, and ones like Zombie that if the entire party is afflicted by in battle, the game ends. How do I implement such status ailments?
The easiest way would be to look for a script that allows you to either have multiple game over conditions, or multiple “death states”. You could potentially implement it using the Battle Rules script, where you create a global battle defeat rule that specifies that if all party members have a particular state, then it’s game over.
If you are interested in that approach and is not sure how to accomplish it you could leave a comment in that topic.
Hi Hime, Do you have a script that can change the maximum battle members anytime?
Or do you have a script that can lock the 4th slot of the formation so there can only be 3 Battle members and unlock the 4th slot when needed. Cause i want the 4th slot to be used by the pet that can be equip by the main character.
Hope u read this and understand what mean. Sorry about my english….
I do not have such a script but here is an example of how you can change max battle members anytime using a variable:
Thanks for the link. Im checking on it right now…
I was trying to use the rotation script, and noticed that if there are more than 4 characters in the party, it deletes the 5th character when you press a key to switch party leader. How can this be fixed?
The rotation script has been updated to address the issue.
Thanks a lot, Hime Works!
I have a question. In the first RPG Maker game for Play Station, there was a way to make items that would be able to increase Experience points for any party member. How would I implement this for VX ACE? I can make items to increase just about anything else! lol
There isn’t really a built-in way to do it from what I see. You can try using this script:
It works, but it leaves the menu screen afterwards. Any way to circumnavigate this, to where it either goes back to the item screen or the party screen?
By default, common events will go back to the map. If you wish to have common events run in the item menu, you could use a script like the Scene Interpreter. Just set up your common event as shown in the instructions and you should be able to run your common event right in the item menu.
Actually, the script for Exp Gain Items that I was using (before) was a one called Exp Bag (I forget whose it is), and it did return me to the map screen afterward.
However, yours does NOT. I can use the item, and then choose to continue using the item, or to back out to the item screen if I so desire.
Super cool. Merci beaucoup.
Hello again! I’m also not being able to call the script again after I have the same random troop encounter twice. Example: I have the script in a random encounter troop. When I encounter this troop the first time, the script runs, but after I encounter the same troop again, the script won’t run. Can you help me, please?
Hi Hime! I’m using your Post-Battle Script to reverse my actor to his original class after battle. However, I also wanted to call this same reverse form script after I escape a battle. Do you have a solution for that? (I want it to work after any battle). Thanks for sharing your work!
Please ask the question under the Post-Battle events post so others can see it as well if they have the same issue. Thanks.
I’m not sure whether I speak for everyone when I say this, but I find it much harder to find your scripts with the new organization of this page.
If I remember that you have, say, a “User Effects” script, and I want to post a link for someone who needs it, it’s hard to know whether to look in “Action Related”, “Item/Skills Related”, “Effects Related”, or “Battle Related”. I have to hunt for each category, open it, and then look through the list to see if it’s there.
In the past, I would simply do a Ctrl + F and search for the term, but because the scripts have been “cleaned up” into dropdowns, Ctrl + F won’t find the script until I have figured out the right category and opened it.
Do you think you could have a button to “Expand All”, or a link to a page which resembles your old “giant list” of scripts without dropdown categories? It would make things a ton more convenient for me and perhaps for a lot of other people who use your scripts.
I hope this doesn’t come across as unappreciative of the great work that you do; I just suggest it because it’s something I’ve found myself struggling with several times in the past year. Thanks! <3
You’re right, when it comes to finding scripts it’s probably easier to do a find all in hopes that a keyword might lead to a script of interest.
I’ve removed the collapsible sections.
I’m glad to see the old format return 🙂 Although long, it makes it much easier to find scripts that I know or to search for ones that I don’t based on their description. It’s amazing that you have so many!!
Had compatibility problems with the Custom Icon Sheet (Ace) script and an Encyclopedia script from another author. I made the following change to get it to work:
def self.load_icon_sheet(index)
if index == nil
index = 0 # dirty cheap fix :)
@icon_table.each {|sheet, offset, width, height|
if index >= offset # some scripts are buggy and send no index, so this would throw an error
index -= offset
return Cache.system(sheet), index, width, height
Maybe this will help others as well.
Consider posting this in the custom icon sheet page.
Hi, could you make a script where it inflicts a state based on how much mp the character has? I have no experience with script, so please forgive me if you already made one and I could not understand it. Thank you.
I’ve created an issue on the issue tracker. Check this:
Thank you!
hello, i’m currently experimenting with the command manager script, can you please help me on this one case.
inside a battle scene, I have an actor induced with a state that seals all commands for one turn, except though for two commands: a particular stype skill command and the “item” command.
How do you seal the “item” command during this state? while leaving only the stype skill command solely available for the actor to choose….? any info will be a great help….
Please post this question in the Command Manager topic.
Thanks! it works wonders! i HAVE found a bug (if you do not set any sky enemies, ground enemies will appear instead), but i guess this isn't THAT crucial (a.k.a for me it's good as it is), but i thought it would be nice to tell you. Thanks again!
I will look into that issue at a later point. Maybe I will create a formal post for it since it seems like a cool feature.
Just reporting something, on your new version, you can sometimes find "ground" enemies on airship. Maybe it's because i use regions.
I can send all scripts that i use, if you want it. Also, thanks for looking up for me.
You should try the script in a new project to determine whether it's a compatibility issue.
I just tried on a new project, with NO other script other than your "Vehicle battle". Same thing happens: You can battle on airship, but you can also find the encounters on foot.
The script has been updated
Hello there, i'm having some problems using "Vehicle battle". IF i use it, i'll find enemies on my airship, HOWEVER, i can still find them on ground. i DO use region effects, but i wanted it to only happen when i'm on an airship, and on the whole map. Did i do something wrong? is it some kind of compatibility issue? I mostly use Yanfly and your scripts, but i have others, none affecting maps that i remember. Sorry if i wasn't supposed to ask this here, and thanks for the help.
Did you specify that the troop can only be encountered in the air?
You mean use the [Sky] Tag on the troop's name, right? Or do i need to do something else?
I'll have to check the script. It is an old script and there may be bugs like the one you're having.
Hi Hime – I don't have an account on so I hope you don't mind me asking here.
Is there any way to use your "Feature Manager" (or any other scripts like Effects Manager, etc.) to script States that scale based on the stats of the user who inflicted that State?
As examples of what I'm trying to do, poisoning an enemy for a number of turns equal to (user's MAT / 10), or using a spell that increases an ally's strength by the user's AGI at the moment the user casts the spell.
No, I don't have any scripts that have that kind of functionality. If I were to write one I would use the Effect Manager and create a new effect that allows you to specify how many turns a state will be applied.
Thanks, Hime, I appreciate your quick response. 🙂
I was wondering if I understood this correctly from other posts.
I am under the impression that you did indeed make a 2/or more player script but sadly, I cannot find it anywhere.
I have managed to allow for secondary player input via events but the constant update of the process gives it a momentary lag as the character is moving.
Hence why I have turned to scripts to solve the issue.
There was a script written in VX that I looked at and adapted for Ace. You can find it here It's just a quick proof-of-concept for the most part.
hey hime, is there any way you could update the link to the Event Trigger Labels script? it's just what I'm looking for, but the download script link seems to be broken. thank you!
Hey Hime, you probably know already but your dropbox links are down. Tried to download a script and got an error. More specifically I tried to download the "set variable" script, but I know other ones aren't working either.
It is back up now.
Hi Hime,
the db link for Feature: Passive States is still broken, could you please re-upload?
Thank you so much
The link has been updated. Scripts that are hosted externally likely will only be updated on request since I don't know what's out there for the most part. Most of the scripts that do not have blog posts are likely unsupported as well.
ok but im still gettin 'game_battler' line 92: typeerror ocurred. can't conver array integer 🙁 i think is something else in the script, may be it needs an update .-.
Ya it looks like whatever it was using before was taken out for some reason. I've updated the script to use whatever I could find in feature manager.
yay it runs now!, but i think that the notetag is from another script, i tried with <ft: add_param 30 > on many objects of the database without a result, im working on a blank project with just passive states and feature manager 2.0
after a long while tinkering i used <ft: passive_state 30 > on an actor and after the new game command i get: Script 'game_battler' line 92: typeerror ocurred. can't convert array into integer. So i tried reverting what you told me od replacing array with value and got the same error as before, lol. I really want to have this one >.>
The docs were incorrect. It's
hey hime, im using your Feature: Passive States and im gettin nomethoderror ocurred at line 69, undefined methor 'features_array_set' for #<game_actor:0x64b980, i wanted to post the issue at your github site but im from my smartphone and its very slow, my home internet burned down to ashes last week on a fire 🙁
Replace "array" with "value". I might have renamed it at some point.
I get an error on your Event Positions script whenever I move events diagonally using “Set Move Route”
Hey, first of you, your scripts kick ass, Hime!
Second, I would like to know if you, or anyone reading this, know how to do damages applied by some effects, like VAMPIRIC WEAPON, to do a propper POP UP DMG on Victor’s Damage Pop Script.
Thanks already!
Those things need to be added to his script for the most part. I don’t think the script checks for the results from custom effects.
Sorry for the re-reply, but do you think there’s an easy way to “identify” this effect as “drain” so victor’s script would understand? I dont know, or any way to add this effect to victor’s… im no programmer, I have no idea what to do
I am not familiar with victor’s popup script.
Hi Tsuki,
I was searching about for a script to allow passive-skills that had to be equipped to function (like say, in Final Fantasy 5) and I noticed on a particular thread, that you mentioned that although you wouldn’t work on your skill-select system anymore (since it’s complete garbage), but you would consider making add-ons for other skill-equips (such as Yami’s).
To avoid beating around the bush, if you don’t mind, could you make a passive-state script that’s compatible with a skill-equip (like Yami’s) script? I’d greatly appreciated.
Hey there, I really wanted to applaud you on all your scripts; but also to let you know there’s a broken link to the Class Max Level script. I tried searching the vxace site but couldn’t find it.
I’ll make a post some time. They probably moved it and then it got lost.
I’ve a request, can you make a script that allows us to use a more baloons / emote? On Vx, there was a limitation but I am not sure on Ace. If there is one there a script to bypass this limitation will be nice.
Casper’s got a script for that “CSCA infinite balloons”
The walk water state link took me to Map Screenshot.
Thanks, that might have happened while I was playing around with wordpress’ rich text editor. Source mode is much easier…
You should add all those snippets that you have posted on the request forums
What snippets? Request forum?
Things like this
Let me just say that you scripts are phenomenal. That said, I wish to inquire about the terms of use of a script you wrote which I do not believe is listed here. The script is “[RGSS3] Battle Sprite Auto Position by Tsukihime”:
I would like to know if this script is also free to use for commercial and free games. Thank you very much!
The terms of usage for that script is the same as the terms listed on my script page.
Thank you very much for the clarification!
You may want to make a place for people to report bugs on the blog, so people can report bugs without necroposting.
I would prefer necroposting in the forums, or the comment box for any scripts that I have made a post for. That way others can respond to the issues as well if they have a fix.