Sideview Actor Enemies
Do you want to use side-view actors as enemies? For example, maybe one of your actors decides to join the enemies, but you still want them to appear the same as they did when they...
Do you want to use side-view actors as enemies? For example, maybe one of your actors decides to join the enemies, but you still want them to appear the same as they did when they...
Do you want to visually display the number of turns that a state has before it expires? For example, perhaps you have a state that will automatically kill you after 5 turns have passed, and you...
This script allows you to control a character’s opacity settings on the map. You can increase or decrease the opacity, turning the character fully opaque (value of 255), or completely transparent (value of 0). You...
This script allows you to control the zoom-level for character sprites, which includes the player, followers, events, and the default vehicles. All it does is change the look of the sprite. Functions are available for...
This script introduces the concept of “picture anchors”. An anchor is a tool that fixes an object to a certain position. A picture anchor functions the same way: it fixes the picture to a certain position....
By default, the game only allows you to move in the four orthogonal directions: up, left, down, right. This script provides support for eight-directional movement in your game, adding support for diagonal movement. To move diagonally,...