Progressive States MV
Do you have states that automatically change into other states after a certain amount of turns or actions have elapsed? For example, you have a Doom state that counts down every turn, and when the countdown...
Do you have states that automatically change into other states after a certain amount of turns or actions have elapsed? For example, you have a Doom state that counts down every turn, and when the countdown...
Do you want to have states that can remove other states? For example, you have two types of poison states: Weak Poison, and Strong Poison. When the Weak Poison state is applied, you lose 5%...
Do you have a state that can be removed when you apply the same state? For example, you use a state that adds a poison state, but when you apply the same poison state, it...
In RPGMaker MV, the default death state is the first state in your database. When this state is applied, a battler (enemy or actor) is considered to be dead. During battle, when all enemies have the...
Neon Black provides a passive skills script that allows you to create skills that provide constant buffs using states. The states themselves are not added to the actor; instead, it pulls the states’ features and...
This script allows you to create “conditional states”. A conditional state is simply a placeholder for other states, depending on the conditions at the time the state is applied. For example, suppose you have a skill...