Cover Conditions
This script allows you to specify custom cover conditions. The cover condition determines whether a battler is eligible to be covered. By default, this means that the battler must have under 25% of its max...
This script allows you to specify custom cover conditions. The cover condition determines whether a battler is eligible to be covered. By default, this means that the battler must have under 25% of its max...
This script provides a “cover target” effect for your states. When a battler uses a skill that adds a state with a special “cover target effect” to a target, the user will receive the state instead. While...
This script allows you to manage your parameters using external tools such as spreadsheet software or text editors. The values that you enter are “base parameters”: features are applied on top of these values. You can...
This script allows you to set up enemies the same way actors are set up using classes. An enemy’s parameters are determined by their level, which is determined by the class parameter curves. You can set...
This script allows you to assign levels to enemies. The level of an enemy is determined when you encounter the enemy. The level is specified as a formula, which means you can define two types...
This script allows you to set a troop emerge name. By default, the troop emerge message lists all of the enemies that appear. You can change it to use the troop’s name, or a custom name...