Conditional Choice Text
RPG Maker allows you to offer your players choice selection, and depending on which choice they pick, your events will behave differently. However, what happens if you wanted to have a particular choice display...
RPG Maker allows you to offer your players choice selection, and depending on which choice they pick, your events will behave differently. However, what happens if you wanted to have a particular choice display...
By default, RPG Maker imposes a limit of 120 FPS on the game. This means that if you tried to go beyond 120, it would simply round it down to 120. This script removes...
The command manager is a framework that changes the way commands are handled in RPG Maker. It provides developers with an intuitive way to customize each and every actor’s commands from the basic “Attack” and “Item” commands...
An add-on for the Command Manager is available for party menu commands. The party menu is the menu where you manage your party, such as using items or skills outside of battle, equipping your actors, changing...
An update has been made to the Feature Conditions script. First, I have created a preview image as an attempt to demonstrate what the script does and how it works:
The Map Screenshot script has been updated to support a new feature that allows you to indicate that an event is a “tile” event. You can choose to show or hide events in your screenshots,...