Category: Maps

Area Maps 3

Area Maps

This is an add-on for Connected Maps. It allows you to treat each additional map as a separate area, rather than simply an extension to the current map. Each area has its own display...


Connected Maps

By default, RPG Maker displays one map when you are in the map scene. However, this map can be manipulated at runtime. This script allows you to connect maps together, providing a seamless transition...


Overlay Maps – layered maps in Ace

This script allows you to create “overlay maps” on top of each other. In other words, map layers. Overlay maps allow you to create much more visually attractive maps since you now have control...

Map Screenshot 99

Map Screenshot

This script allows you to take a full image of any of your game’s maps and export. An image of the map is referred to as a “mapshot” (as opposed to screenshot). The script...

Tile Swap

Tile Swap

This script provides functionality for swapping tiles. In a single script call, you can change entire groups of tiles from one tile to another. The changes may be reverted as well using simple script...