Battle Weather

This might not seem like a big deal, but do you have some weather effects on your map? For example, you’re walking through a snowy fortress and it is currently snowing on the map, but then when you enter battle…it’s not snowing.

While that may or may not desirable, RPGMaker MV doesn’t give you much choice: there are no weather effects in battle.

You can test it yourself:

1. On a map, create an event that will add some snow weather effects.
2. When you run the event, it should start snowing
3. When a battle begins, the snow effect stops.
4. After the battle, the snow effect resumes.

So even if it’s heavily snowing on the map, your battlefield will be perfectly clean.

With this plugin, you can have your weather effects carry over into battle!


Plugin: download here (right-click and save as)


Download the plugin and place it in the “plugins” folder in your project’s “js” folder. Then open your Plugin Manager (F10), double-click an empty row, and select the BattleWeather plugin.

Once it is in your list of plugins, turn the plugin on.


Plug-and-Play. Just enable it and it’s ready to use.

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52 Responses

  1. Nathan says:

    Thanks for this awesome plugin. With your consent I would love to use this in my commercial game if I ever finish the damn thing LOL. All credits will be given

  2. Drazreckned says:

    Awesome Plugin! Youre extremely skilled in coding 😮
    I would like to use this in a commercial game. May I use it? I will credit you (HimeWorks) and your website ( of course 🙂

  3. Alan says:

    Thank you for your help this plugin is amazing 😀

  4. Togge says:

    hey, hime. i cant find the plugin in the menu. can you help?

  5. Lukas Andersen says:

    What a handy plugin! Thank you! Is it free for commercial use? Who do I give credit for this?

  6. This was something that always bothered me too. Hopefully I will remember this plugin when I get MV, so thank you

    • Hime says:

      When I have something I don’t want to forget I just post about it and bookmark it and write it down somewhere.
      This way, I get notifications of people sharing it which serve as reminders.

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