Windowskin Changer
By default, RPG Maker uses the file called “Window” stored in the Graphics/System folder, and only supports one windowskin throughout the game.
This script allows you to change window skins dynamically during the game using script calls. For example, you can change window skins depending on the character that’s currently speaking, or to reflect the player’s current alignment.
Here’s a video of windowskin changing in action
Script: download here
In the script editor, place this script below Materials and above Main
Place all windowskins in the Graphics/System folder.
To change windowskins, make a script call
Where the NAME is the name of the windowskin that you want to change to.
Suppose you have a windowskin called
To use this window skin, make the script call
Note the quotes.
First, window skin affects the look and feel of the window including the font colours. This means that if you change the skin while a window is open, the fonts do not automatically change because the bitmap has already been created. Instead, I call the refresh
method which is defined in most windows by default. If you are using a window that does not use a refresh
method to redraw the contents, then your fonts will not change automatically.
You can address that by moving all of the drawing methods into a refresh
method. You may need to define the method yourself.
Second, Some scripts assume the window skin is hardcoded. If you find that your game does not load the correct windowskin, look for code like this
and change it to something like this
Hi Hime, I want ask, Yanfly’s message core let you put a name box to know the name of the player who is talking, the skin of this name box does not change with your plugin, could you upgrade it > .>?
I don’t understand how to install this? What do you mean “In the script editor, place this script below Materials and above Main” place in what .js? or is this supposed to be it’s on .js in which this won’t let me download.
Hime, what size does the custom windowskin need to be?
When I try using this script, I get the error:
I believe the error occurs at the
$game_system.windowskin = name
part of
class Game_Interpreter
def set_windowskin(name)
$game_system.windowskin = name
Would you happen to know why this is?
I have a file named flame in the Graphics/System folder, and made the call
You can try adding this script and then running the script call
It will give you more information about what’s causing the problem.
get error in catch line 88 with this or any other window changer. Using Many of yanfly scripts but not his core system.
You will need to determine whether it is a compatibility issue with another plugin.
I’m not sure why “line 88” would crash with “any other window changer”, but if that is true, then it probably isn’t this plugin.
I don’t have the fucking graphics, where do I get them???
It is up to you to find or make custom windowskins for your project.
Thanks,it’s very useful for the project I’m making
Is it compatible with Yanfly’s message system?
It should be.