Battle “Pre-Reactions”


This is an update for Battle Reactions. Originally, all reactions would occur after an action is executed. For example, an enemy attacks you, and you respond by healing yourself after you get hit.

This update allows you to control the reaction timing to specify whether the reaction should occur before or after the action is executed. For example, an enemy begins to attack you, and you respond by casting a shield spell to reduce any damage inflicted.

See the instructions for details on how to set a reaction to occur before the action is executed.

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24 Responses

  1. Yos says:

    I've used this and I'm wondering, could you fix an issue with this?

    When the actor goes first it does not call an attached common event of their skill
    until after the enemy does damage

    I'm trying to do the whole paper mario style blocking thing (ie when an enemy attacks you can press shift on time to block it) BUT because the common event isn't called until afterwards its total cockblocked from being a possibility

    • Hime says:

      This is a bug introduced by the script? Or something you are trying to accomplish using the script?

  2. Yos says:

    Where and how do you put this so it works in the right order
    i've read over the instructions like 25 times and I'm still not getting
    the actor's skill to go first ._.

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