State Rate Popups
This script is an add-on for Yanfly’s Damage Popup script, either the standalone version or built into Ace Battle Engine. It displays popups when you use a skill that inflicts a state, informing you whether the enemy is resistant or immune to a state.
Note that only states inflicted using “effect: add state” are displayed, and not “atk state” features.
Script: download here
Required: Ace Battle Engine or Yanfly damage popup
Place this script below the required scripts and above Main.
Plug and play.
It works in game :3 cheers
I couldn’t get this to work…unless it doesnt work properly in the troop battle test… I’m using the built in ace one
Oh. Hmm I wonder if it’s just this script or one of the dependencies…
Hime, please create a "Damage PopUp" that does not rely on YanFly Ace Battle Engine .. Please.
This is great! Absolutely wished that Yanfly had written this originally. Nice. Thanks Tsukihime!
I wanted to ask here… I am having trouble with the State Resist popup. I figured out that if I add a feature with State Rate (Poison) * 0% to an actor, I'll receive Immune status popups when I try to apply that state through an inflicting skill. That works fine.
Adding a State Resist feature, though, doesn't do anything. There is NO popup. I can't get a resist popup at all. I am using only the Core Engine and Ace Battle Engine. Help? What am I missing? (And yes, I am using the effect: add state feature in the inflicting skill box.)
Has anyone come across this problem?
What's the difference between state rate and state resist?
It's a small but crucial difference. The State Resist feature completely negates the inflicted state from being addable, i.e. knockouts are prevented even at 0 HP, meanwhile if using the normally reliable State Rate (Death) * 0%, your characters will kick the bucket and game over.
Other than that problem, without a State Resist popup, it looks like your whole party is suddenly no-selling. (
Definitely helps make status’ easier to notice. Thanks for this.
Thatnks alot!I’ve been waiting for ages for something like this. Now, the only missing popups are for cover and counter. Just a thought.