Large Choices MV


The Show Choice event command allows you to present players with a set of options that they can choose from. Depending on their selection, your event would respond according to their choice.

By default, RPG Maker provides you with a maximum of 6 choices when you create Show Choice commands. This means that, at anytime, you may present up to 6 choices.

However. what happens if you would like to display 7 choices? Or 8? Maybe more? You would need to come up with a method that will allow players to view all selections, but at the same time work around the 6-choice limitation.

Rather than having to figure out how to do that, this plugin makes your job easier by directly allowing you to create choice selections with more than 6 options.

Need more than 6 choices? Download the plugin and try it out!


Plugin: download here (right-click and save as)

Related plugins

Additional Reading


Download the plugin and place it in the “plugins” folder in your project’s “js” folder. Then open your Plugin Manager (F10), double-click an empty row, and select the LargeChoices plugin.

Once it is in your list of plugins, turn the plugin on.


Combining Choices

To combine choices, start by creating a Show Choice command and fill in your options. For example, here is one set of choices:


To add more choices, simply create another Show Choice command and fill in your options. The game will automatically combine them for you:


This screenshot is only for illustration purposes. By default, the number of choices that will be displayed is limited depending on how much space is available on your screen. The choice window will allow you to scroll through choices that aren’t immediately available.

If you don’t want to combine choices together, add a comment between show choice commands.

Custom Default Choice

The default choice is relative to the choice command that the choice belongs to. It works the same way as you would normally do, except you just have to set all of the other ones to None.


Custom Cancel Choice

Choosing the correct cancel choice is similar to choosing a custom default choice. Just set up one of the choices and make sure the others are disallowed.

For branch cancel choice, make sure it is used on the very last choices:


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54 Responses

  1. Carl Palmner says:

    The info says to contact you if we plan to use this plugin for commercial use, but doesn’t give any contact information. I’m thinking about using it in a commercial game. How do I contact you?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Hime, thank you for the plugin. I am planning to use your work in my game. Thank you

  3. You have constantly gone above and beyond when needed, as well as your commitment as well as dedication to success have actually been unmatched. We are so glad for all that you do. Thank you!

  4. Gilmar da Silva Lopes says:

    Hi Hime! I’m using the Large Choice to Show 8 Options at once and I noticed that after using the show text, the Large Choice Plugin stops displaying the Options in a single Window and then I need to scroll down to show the remaining 3 options! I tested it on a Clean Project and the same “error” occurs.
    Could you check this please? Thanks

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I am planning to use your plugins for my commercial game. Thank you.

  6. KuroOnist says:

    Thanks Hime i’ll be using this in my MZ game, I don’t know if i will fully need it Becuse it say “may not support Maker MZ”. which it seem like it’s working and haven’t hit any bugs as of yet

  7. Maeke says:

    Hi Hime. I just wanted to let you know that I am planning on using this plugin for my game if you don’t mind

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi Hime. I just wanted to let you know that I am planning on using this plugin for the demo of my game that I will release soon on steam. Thank you for creating it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It doesn’t work with the loop command?

  10. JacSkulls says:

    Hello! Jac here.

    I saw your Plugin in and wanted to let you know that I’m using it mainly for Characters on weapons. (I have a lot Lol) To save me a lot of trouble, your Plugin for Hidden Choices would be pretty grand. I tried it but the only one works is the Script Call.

    Also saw your Terms, so I’ll go ahead and say it. My game has Profanity languages in it but nothing absurd, I don’t think. Well, everyone have their opinions, right? Haha. Although, for me, it would be pretty cool to have that Plugins, it isn’t 100% needed. I mainly wanted to come on here to tell you that you did a really good job and that I’m using it.

    Just a friendly guy who enjoys even the small thing,

  11. Leveldadup says:

    Sorry for the double post!

  12. Leveldadup says:

    Hi. Year 2020 here. Looking forward to testing these plugins! Hope it still works! Thanks Hime!

  13. Leveldadup says:

    Hi. Year 2020 here. Looking forward to testing these plugins! Hope it still works! Thanks Hime!

  14. Anonymous says:

    When you use this with your hide and custom text choice plugins, it wont work because you need to put those other 2 plugins in before each choice or else they wont work… So it doesnt automatically combine, itll just make a new choice dialogue after the first.

  15. Deannomite says:

    Hey, Hime!

    I may have encountered an odd bug… With two choice windows combined, the index keeps starting at the beginning of the second list (the 7th choice or so). I’ve tested this on a clean project, using only this script and had the same issue. 🙁

  16. Sam says:

    Is this available for private and commercial use? i can’t find a TnC anywhere, maybe im blind. Btw, legendary plugin mate well bloody done

  17. Mike says:

    Hi, this does mot work for me at. I’ve followed the instructions and it just doesn’t combine the choices.

  18. Runako says:

    Would it be possible to make choices into Columns too?

  19. Bonnie says:

    For some reason this plugin is not functioning for me and I can’t figure out why. I’ve tried using it with no other plugins, so it’s not a confliction problem. I’ve done everything that you say to do and still the two show options won’t combine into one large box of choices when I play the event. What do you think is going wrong for me?

    • Hime says:

      There was a bug introduced recently. I have updated the plugin to address the issue.
      Just download the latest version and it should work when you run the event.

      • Bonnie says:

        Wonderful! It works! Thank you so much, this is plugin is a big help to my game. I appreciate your fast response time. 🙂

      • Bonnie says:

        Sorry to be a bother, but funny thing is, your Hidden Choices Plugin is now failing to work. Sorry, but could you look into that too? I’m trying to figure out what I may be doing wrong, but I’m having a hard time figuring this out. Thank you for all the hard work you do!

      • Bonnie says:

        Actually the hidden choices plugin works when I use the command: “hide_choice Num”, but not when I use the command: “hide_choice(Num, Condition)”.

  20. Sundricat says:

    I seem to notice a problem when using the right click option to test when a choice is the last event command to test. It gives the error “Cannot read property ‘code’ of undefined,” and goes away after I disable the plugin. It still happens in a project with only Large Choices.

  21. Akito says:

    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘code’ of undefined
    at Game_Interpreter.combineChoices (/R:/Akito/Documents/Unreal%20Projects/WMUH%201/js/plugins/HIME_LargeChoices.js:125)
    at Game_Interpreter.setupChoices (/R:/Akito/Documents/Unreal%20Projects/WMUH%201/js/plugins/HIME_LargeChoices.js:109)
    at Game_Interpreter.command101 (/R:/Akito/Documents/Unreal%20Projects/WMUH%201/js/plugins/YEP_MessageCore.js:430)
    at Game_Interpreter.executeCommand (rpg_objects.js:8894)
    at Game_Interpreter.update (rpg_objects.js:8802)
    at Game_Map.updateInterpreter (rpg_objects.js:6080)
    at Game_Map.update (rpg_objects.js:5987)
    at Scene_Map.updateMain (rpg_scenes.js:417)
    at Scene_Map.updateMainMultiply (rpg_scenes.js:409)
    at Scene_Map.update (rpg_scenes.js:398)

    • Akito says:

      I turned the MessageCore.js off in RMMV.

    • Hime says:

      Disable all other plugins and see if the problem still occurs. Maybe there’s something about the way the event is setup?

      • Akito says:

        I put in another project with no other plugins activated. First time the choices worked, but they weren’t combined. Second time this error occured:
        TypeError: Cannot read property ‘code’ of undefined
        at Game_Interpreter.combineChoices (/R:/Akito/Documents/Unreal%20Projects/Door%20Guard/js/plugins/HIME_LargeChoices.js:125)
        at Game_Interpreter.setupChoices (/R:/Akito/Documents/Unreal%20Projects/Door%20Guard/js/plugins/HIME_LargeChoices.js:109)
        at Game_Interpreter.command101 (rpg_objects.js:9035)
        at Game_Interpreter.executeCommand (rpg_objects.js:8895)
        at Game_Interpreter.update (rpg_objects.js:8803)
        at Game_Map.updateInterpreter (rpg_objects.js:6080)
        at Game_Map.update (rpg_objects.js:5987)
        at Scene_Map.updateMain (rpg_scenes.js:417)
        at Scene_Map.updateMainMultiply (rpg_scenes.js:409)
        at Scene_Map.update (rpg_scenes.js:398)

  22. 汪星人 says:

    Found BUG
    Choices 2 or Choices 3 first will be invalid.

  23. TheChancellor says:

    Do you plan on expanding the plugin’s functionality? Choices are pretty bland as is. It’d be nice to have a Help window displayed for each choice as they’re highlighted. Also, having choices greyed out based on switches being on/off would be cool.

  24. MuteDay says:

    are thiere any plans for you to convert your conditinal options over that would come in handy right now,
    or if you wouldnt mind adding me to skype i would love it if i could ask you questions when i hit a brick wall when it comes to scripting

  25. lance says:

    Right on Tsukhime! First MV custom plugin ive found! I look forward to new plugins! 🙂 thank you for all your hard work and effort for the rpg community

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