Category: Parties

Multiple Party Merger 32

Multiple Party Merger

This script allows you to merge two parties together. A merge involves  transferring all of the members, inventories, and gold from one party to another. The original party will be deleted, resulting in one combined...


Party Member Costs

This script introduces the concept of “Member Cost”, which is the cost to have a member in your unit. The cost to have actors in the party is referred to as “Party Cost”. A party has...


Idle Party Events

This script allows you to set up “idle party” events. These are special events that appear when you have other parties on the same map. You can interact with idle parties the same way you would...

Shared Party Inventory 14

Shared Party Inventory

This script is an add-on for the Party Manager, which separates party inventories. By adding this script, you can share your inventory across all parties.  This includes anything in the inventory (weapons, armors, items) as...