姫HimeWorks Blog

Shop option: price formula 4

Shop option: price formula

The Shop Manager now supports a new shop option called “price formula”. This allows you to set the price of a good using a formula. The basic use case is to allow you to...


Negated Conditional Branch

This script allows you to create negated conditional branches in your events. For example, if your conditional branch tests “if actor exists”, then the negated conditional branch tests “if actor does not exist”. The...


Splash Screen Map

This script allows you to create splash screens using events. When the player launches your game, a special “splash screen map” will be loaded and start running. You can use events in this splash screen map...

Extended Common Events 5

Extended Common Events

This script replaces the way common events are created and managed. Instead of using the database to set up common events, you create a special “common event map” and all events on that map...