Tutorial: Defining script calls that can reference by party index

An issue that I’ve come across often when writing event-related scripts is “how can I let the user check whether the leader satisfies some condition?”

For example, I want to check whether the leader is holding a shield. Well that’s easy I can just say

$game_party.leader.armors.any? {|armor| armor.etype_id == 1}

Assuming etype 1 is the “shield” equip type. But this is not user-friendly: it means you need to know how to script. And what if you wanted to reference the second person in the party?

There should be a better way to be able to do this, and the reason why I provide script call methods in the first place is so users don’t need to worry about arrays or objects or zero-indexing or other things.

Suppose I were to write a convenience method in the game interpreter that checks whether a particular actor has a shield on

def shield_equipped?(actor_id)
  $game_actors[actor_id].armors.any?{|armor| armor.etype_id == 1}

Pretty simple. But what about reference by party index? Let’s take advantage of the fact that when you are referencing database ID’s, they are all positive numbers. Why not use a negative number as a party index?

def shield_equipped?(party_index)
  index = party_index.abs - 1
  actor = $game_party.all_members[index]
  return unless actor
  actor.armors.any?{|armor| armor.etype_id == 1}

This method assumes that the party index is negative. If you pass in -1, then it will retrieve the first actor in the party (index 0, since Ruby arrays are zero-indexed). Shouldn’t be too difficult for users to remember after awhile: just stick a negative sign in front of the ID.

Now we can combine it together: you can search by actor ID, or party index:

def shield_equipped?(index)
  # check party index if < 0
  if index < 0
    index = party_index.abs - 1
    actor = $game_party.all_members[index]
    return false unless actor
    actor.armors.any?{|armor| armor.etype_id == 1}
    $game_actors[index].armors.any?{|armor| armor.etype_id == 1 }

Since you’ll probably be doing this often, it would be better to write it as its own method

def get_actor(index)
  if index < 0
    index = index.abs - 1
    return $game_party.all_members[index]
    return $game_actors[index]

And now it is easy to write script calls for managing actors by ID and by party index

def shield_equipped?(index)
  actor = get_actor(index)
  return false unless actor
  return actor.armors.any? {|armor| armor.etype_id == 1}

Simply instruct your users to use a positive ID if they want to reference a specific actor, or use a negative ID if they want to reference by party index.

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