Tagged: Scripts

Choice Options 144

Choice Options

This script provides “choice options” that provide finer control over your choices. You can now hide choices that should not be shown using a few simple conditions rather than duplicating a choice list several...

End Phase Triggers 33

End Phase Triggers

This script extends the troop event system with “end phase triggers”. This is simply a final check on all of the event pages when a victory/lose condition has been met. Any pages that can...

Event Parallel Pages 15

Event Parallel Pages

You may be familiar with “parallel process” events, but one thing that you can’t do with parallel processes is to assign an action trigger to it so that the event will do something different...

Troop Battle BGM 28

Troop Battle BGM

This script allows you to assign a custom battle BGM to troop objects. When a troop battle BGM is specified, that sound file will be played instead of the default battle BGM. It also...