Drop Item Sets
This script allows you to set up “drop item sets”. A drop item set is simply a collection of drop items: at the end of battle, you can potentially receive drops from a chosen...
This script allows you to set up “drop item sets”. A drop item set is simply a collection of drop items: at the end of battle, you can potentially receive drops from a chosen...
This script adds “corpse retrieval” functionality to your project. It provides a script call that allows you to create a “corpse” of your current active party. All of the equips that are equipped will...
This script displays an encounter balloon over your player character on the map whenever you are about to encounter a random battle monster. When this balloon is displayed, the player can choose to skip the random encounter...
This script extends the party formation system to allow customized member positioning. You can now arrange your actors however you wish (almost). The script was inspired by Star Ocean’s party formation system, where you...