Move Route Commands
This plugin provides some extra move route comands that might be useful.
Currently, it supports the following:
* moving towards a specific event
* moving away from a specific event
If there is anything you would like to see, just send me a message and I’ll
look into adding it to the library.
Plugin: download here (right-click, save as)
Download ths plugin and place it in the “plugins” folder in your project’s “js” folder. Then open your Plugin Manager (F10), double-click an empty row, and select the HIME_MoveRouteCommands plugin.
Once it is in your list of plugins, turn the plugin on.
All commands can be used in a move route with the script call command.
Below are all of the script calls that are provided by this plugin.
Move Towards Event
Moves the character towards a specific event
script: this.moveTowardsEvent(ID) example: this.moveTowardsEvent(23)
Move Away From Event
Moves the characters away from a specified event
script: this.moveAwayFromEvent(ID) example: this.moveAwayFromEvent(5)
Wanted a movement for an event with a specific comment, like a hashtag.
I would like to have it to move the specified follower to a coordinate and change the way they are facing. (example. Player sits in a chair to watch something on a stage, follower can be moved to sit in the chair beside the player)
Could you please add the possibility to cast animations on target event for future updates?
So I could stage a couple of npc’s moving around while they cast hit animations on eachother pretending to be “battling” in my scenarios through the move route system.
Hi, I wanted to use this programm for making a cat being chased by a dog and running away while he follows her.
But ist doesn´t work, it´s just saying “cat not defined” and i dont know how to make it work.
Maybe you could help me?
(I´m sorry for my bad english)
You would need to specify the event ID of the cat, not just write “cat”
Even if I call the dog EV037 and the cat EV038 it doesn´t work.
It just keeps saying “EV038 is not defined”.
I don´t know what i´m doing wrong.
Event 37 is referred to as just 37.
I’m using your Party Manger script and was hoping to have the event move towards one of the created parties.
I was thinking maybe this.moveTowardsParty(ID) would work?
Any help would be great!
In the move route, you can use a script call
Where the character is an event object.
I’ve updated the plugin so that you can say this:
Which will have the specified character move towards the idle party event that represents party with ID 3.