=begin #=============================================================================== ** Feature Manager Author: Hime Date: Oct 3, 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Change log 2.0 Oct 3, 2013 - implemented the extended regex for feature note-tags 1.32 Nov 18, 2012 - added convenience wrapper for data elements 1.31 Nov 9, 2012 - fixed bug where item features didn't have conditions 1.3 Nov 8, 2012 - Added conditional features. - Aliased default features for use with conditional features Oct 22, 2012 - No longer overwrites any methods Oct 21, 2012 - features_value_set should return set of values, not data_id's Oct 18, 2012 - added item_feature_set to collect all features for a given item Oct 14, 2012 - added max/min feature value collection Oct 13, 2012 - added some feature collection to check features of specific item - re-wrote `equippable?` to do negative-checking Oct 12, 2012 - initial release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Terms of Use * Free to use in non-commercial projects * Contact me for commercial use * No real support. The script is provided as-is * Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches * Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial * Preserve this header -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Compatibility This script does not overwrite any methods and aliases one method. Most features should not have conflicts with the following systems -Tankentai SBS -Yanfly Ace Battle Engine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Description This is a plugin-based feature system that allows you to define your own features easily and add them to database objects. Register a feature using an idstring to identify your feature. Recommended strings or symbols, but anything hashable is valid. You will use the idstring throughout your script, such as in notetags and also initializing the feature (optional). If your script will be using params, xparams, or sparams, you should use standard data ID's that the rest of the script uses. These are defined in the tables below. You should use data ID 0 for weapons, 1 for armors, and 2 for items. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Usage To add a feature to a feature object, simply note-tag with a feature tag. The general syntax for a feature tag is Where `name` is the name of the feature you wish to add `arg1 arg2 ...` are a list of arguments that the plugin requires You may specify conditional features as well, using the following note-tag Where `cond` is a ruby expression that evaluates to true or false. The condition must be surrounded by quotation marks. Conditional features can be applied to any feature that is supported by this system. If you need more control over the note-tag, you can use the extended note-tag option1: value1 option2: value2 ... You can define any option name that you want. All options will be passed to your `add_feature` method as a hash, where the keys are the option names and the values are the corresponding values. For example, the above example would create a hash that looks like { :option1 => value1, :option2 => value2 } Which you can then use to grab values. To work with your extended note-tag, you need to define the following method in BaseItem or its child classes: def add_feature_FEATURE_NAME_ext(code, data_id, args) # do something with your args value = ... add_feature(code, data_id, value) end #=============================================================================== =end $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["Feature_Manager"] = 2.0 #=============================================================================== # ** Rest of the script #=============================================================================== module FeatureManager # Format for all note tags Feature_Regex = //i Cond_Feature_Regex = //i Ext_Regex = /(.*?)<\/feature>/im # Default features. FEATURE_ELEMENT_RATE = 11 # Element Rate FEATURE_DEBUFF_RATE = 12 # Debuff Rate FEATURE_STATE_RATE = 13 # State Rate FEATURE_STATE_RESIST = 14 # State Resist FEATURE_PARAM = 21 # Parameter FEATURE_XPARAM = 22 # Ex-Parameter FEATURE_SPARAM = 23 # Sp-Parameter FEATURE_ATK_ELEMENT = 31 # Atk Element FEATURE_ATK_STATE = 32 # Atk State FEATURE_ATK_SPEED = 33 # Atk Speed FEATURE_ATK_TIMES = 34 # Atk Times+ FEATURE_STYPE_ADD = 41 # Add Skill Type FEATURE_STYPE_SEAL = 42 # Disable Skill Type FEATURE_SKILL_ADD = 43 # Add Skill FEATURE_SKILL_SEAL = 44 # Disable Skill FEATURE_EQUIP_WTYPE = 51 # Equip Weapon FEATURE_EQUIP_ATYPE = 52 # Equip Armor FEATURE_EQUIP_FIX = 53 # Lock Equip FEATURE_EQUIP_SEAL = 54 # Seal Equip FEATURE_SLOT_TYPE = 55 # Slot Type FEATURE_ACTION_PLUS = 61 # Action Times+ FEATURE_SPECIAL_FLAG = 62 # Special Flag FEATURE_COLLAPSE_TYPE = 63 # Collapse Effect FEATURE_PARTY_ABILITY = 64 # Party Ability # Data ID's for consistency with the rest of the scripts Weapon_ID = 0 Armor_ID = 1 Item_ID = 2 # Data ID's for basic parameters. Use this if you are going to # use params in note tags Param_Table = { "mhp" => 0, "mmp" => 1, "atk" => 2, "def" => 3, "mat" => 4, "mdf" => 5, "agi" => 6, "luk" => 7 } # Data ID's for extra parameters. XParam_Table = { "hit" => 0, "eva" => 1, "cri" => 2, "cev" => 3, "mev" => 4, "mrf" => 5, "cnt" => 6, "hrg" => 7, "mrg" => 8, "trg" => 9 } # Data ID's for special parameters SParam_Table = { "tgr" => 0, "grd" => 1, "rec" => 2, "pha" => 3, "mcr" => 4, "tcr" => 5, "pdr" => 6, "mdr" => 7, "fdr" => 8, "exr" => 9, } def self.register(idstring, api_version=1.0) idstring = idstring.to_s key = idstring.to_sym if $imported["Feature_Manager"] < api_version outdated_api_warn(idstring, api_version) elsif @feature_table.include?(key) dupe_entry_warn(key, @feature_table[key]) else @feature_table[key] = idstring end end def self.api_version(version) end # Each feature maps to a code, which is stored in the feature. # It should be a symbol. Notice that this table is only used for # mapping and is never referenced after an object has been setup. def self.initialize_tables @feature_table = { FEATURE_ELEMENT_RATE => 11, # Element Rate FEATURE_DEBUFF_RATE => 12, # Debuff Rate FEATURE_STATE_RATE => 13, # State Rate FEATURE_STATE_RESIST => 14, # State Resist FEATURE_PARAM => 21, # Parameter FEATURE_XPARAM => 22, # Ex-Parameter FEATURE_SPARAM => 23, # Sp-Parameter FEATURE_ATK_ELEMENT => 31, # Atk Element FEATURE_ATK_STATE => 32, # Atk State FEATURE_ATK_SPEED => 33, # Atk Speed FEATURE_ATK_TIMES => 34, # Atk Times+ FEATURE_STYPE_ADD => 41, # Add Skill Type FEATURE_STYPE_SEAL => 42, # Disable Skill Type FEATURE_SKILL_ADD => 43, # Add Skill FEATURE_SKILL_SEAL => 44, # Disable Skill FEATURE_EQUIP_WTYPE => 51, # Equip Weapon FEATURE_EQUIP_ATYPE => 52, # Equip Armor FEATURE_EQUIP_FIX => 53, # Lock Equip FEATURE_EQUIP_SEAL => 54, # Seal Equip FEATURE_SLOT_TYPE => 55, # Slot Type FEATURE_ACTION_PLUS => 61, # Action Times+ FEATURE_SPECIAL_FLAG => 62, # Special Flag FEATURE_COLLAPSE_TYPE => 63, # Collapse Effect FEATURE_PARTY_ABILITY => 64, # Party Ability # Aliasing the above features with custom names to support conditionals :element_rate => "element_rate", :debuff_rate => "debuff_rate", :state_rate => "state_rate", :state_resist => "state_resist", :param => "param", :xparam => "xparam", :sparam => "sparam", :atk_element => "atk_element", :atk_state => "atk_state", :atk_speed => "atk_speed", :atk_times => "atk_times", :stype_add => "stype_add", :stype_seal => "stype_seal", :skill_add => "skill_add", :skill_seal => "skill_seal", :equip_wtype => "equip_wtype", :equip_atype => "equip_atype", :equip_fix => "equip_fix", :equip_seal => "equip_seal", :slot_type => "slot_type", :action_plus => "action_plus", :special_flag => "special_flag", :collapse_type => "collapse_type", :party_ability => "party_ability" } @element_tables = {} end # Returns the feature code for the particular string. def self.get_feature_code(sym) @feature_table[sym] end def self.dupe_entry_warn(your_id, existing_name) msgbox("Warning: %s has already been reserved" %[existing_name.to_s]) end def self.outdated_api_warn(idstring, version) msgbox("Warning: `%s` feature requires version %.2f of the script" %[idstring, version]) end def self.feature_table @feature_table end # Table of elements, mapped to their ID's. def self.element_table return @element_table unless @element_table.nil? @element_table = {} $data_system.elements.each_with_index {|element, i| next if element.empty? @element_table[element.downcase] = i } return @element_table end # start things up initialize_tables end module RPG class BaseItem::Feature attr_accessor :condition end class BaseItem def features load_notetag_feature_manager unless @feature_checked return @features end # Go through each line looking for custom features. Note that the data id # is currently hardcoded to 0 since we don't really need it. def load_notetag_feature_manager @feature_checked = true #check for features results = self.note.scan(FeatureManager::Feature_Regex) results.each { |code, args| code = FeatureManager.get_feature_code(code.to_sym) if code check_feature(code, args) end } # check for conditional features results = self.note.scan(FeatureManager::Cond_Feature_Regex) results.each {|code, cond, args| code = FeatureManager.get_feature_code(code.to_sym) if code check_feature(code, args) @features[-1].condition = cond end } # check for features using extended regex. results = self.note.scan(FeatureManager::Ext_Regex) results.each do |res| args = {} code = FeatureManager.get_feature_code(res[0].to_sym) if code data = res[1].strip.split("\r\n") data.each do |option| name, value = option.split(":") args[name.strip.to_sym] = value.strip end check_feature_ext(code, args) end end end def check_feature(code, args) ft_code = code.is_a?(Fixnum) ? code : code.to_sym if respond_to?("add_feature_#{code}") send("add_feature_#{code}", ft_code, 0, args.split) else add_feature(ft_code, 0, args.split) end end def check_feature_ext(code, args) ft_code = code.is_a?(Fixnum) ? code : code.to_sym if respond_to?("add_feature_#{code}_ext") send("add_feature_#{code}_ext", ft_code, 0, args) else add_feature(ft_code, 0, args) end end def add_feature(code, data_id, args) @features.push(RPG::BaseItem::Feature.new(code, data_id, args)) end # Register default features. Redundant, but the editor hardcodes values # so we must do the same # Args: element name (case-sensitive) or ID, float percentage def add_feature_element_rate(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) rescue $data_system.elements.index(args[0]) add_feature(11, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: param name, float percentage def add_feature_debuff_rate(code, data_id, args) data_id = FeatureManager::Param_Table[args[0].downcase] add_feature(12, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: state ID, float percentage def add_feature_state_rate(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) add_feature(13, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: state ID, float percentage def add_feature_state_resist(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) add_feature(14, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: param name, float percentage def add_feature_param(code, data_id, args) data_id = FeatureManager::Param_Table[args[0].downcase] add_feature(21, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: sparam name, float percentage def add_feature_xparam(code, data_id, args) data_id = FeatureManager::XParam_Table[args[0].downcase] add_feature(22, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: xparam name, float percentage def add_feature_sparam(code, data_id, args) data_id = FeatureManager::SParam_Table[args[0].downcase] add_feature(23, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: param name, float percentage def add_feature_atk_element(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) rescue $data_system.elements.index(args[0]) add_feature(31, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: state ID, float percentage def add_feature_atk_state(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) add_feature(32, data_id, args[1].to_f) end # Args: float attack speed def add_feature_atk_speed(code, data_id, args) add_feature(33, 0, args[1].to_f) end # Args: float attack times def add_feature_atk_times(code, data_id, args) add_feature(34, 0, args[1].to_f) end # Args: stype ID or name def add_feature_stype_add(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) rescue $data_system.skill_types.index(args[0]) add_feature(41, data_id, 0) end def add_feature_stype_seal(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) rescue $data_system.skill_types.index(args[0]) add_feature(42, data_id, 0.0) end def add_feature_skill_add(code, data_id, args) add_feature(43, args[0].to_i, 0.0) end def add_feature_skill_seal(code, data_id, args) add_feature(44, args[0].to_i, 0.0) end def add_feature_equip_wtype(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) rescue $data_system.weapon_types.index(args[0]) add_feature(51, data_id, 0) end def add_feature_equip_atype(code, data_id, args) data_id = Integer(args[0]) rescue $data_system.armor_types.index(args[0]) add_feature(52, data_id, 0) end # args: etype_id def add_feature_equip_fix(code, data_id, args) add_feature(53, args[0].to_i, 0) end # args: etype_id def add_feature_equip_seal(code, data_id, args) add_feature(54, args[0].to_i, 0) end # args: slot type (1 for dual wield) def add_feature_slot_type(code, data_id, args) add_feature(55, args[0].to_i, 0) end def add_feature_action_plus(code, data_id, args) add_feature(61, 0, args[0].to_f) end # args: flag_ID def add_feature_special_flag(code, data_id, args) add_feature(62, args[0].to_i, 0) end # args: collapse type ID def add_feature_collapse_type(code, data_id, args) add_feature(63, args[0].to_i, 0) end # args: party ability ID def add_feature_party_ability(code, data_id, args) add_feature(64, args[0].to_i, 0) end end end class Game_BattlerBase #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Feature collection methods #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def eval_feature_condition(condition, a, v=$game_variables, s=$game_switches) eval(condition) rescue false end def feature_condition_met?(ft) return true unless ft.condition eval_feature_condition(ft.condition, self) end # May be inefficient since this method is called all the time alias :th_feature_manager_all_features :all_features def all_features th_feature_manager_all_features.select {|ft| feature_condition_met?(ft)} end # Returns features for item filtered by code def item_features(item, code) item.features.select {|ft| ft.code == code && feature_condition_met?(ft)} end # Returns a set of all values for the given feature code def features_value_set(code) features(code).inject([]) {|r, ft| r |= [ft.value] } end # Returns a set of all values for the given feature code, filtered by data ID def features_value_set_with_id(code, data_id) features_with_id(code, data_id).inject([]) {|r, ft| r |= [ft.value]} end # Returns features for item filtered by code and data ID def item_features_with_id(item, code, data_id) item.features.select {|ft| ft.code == code && ft.data_id == data_id} end def item_features_set(item, code, data_id) item_features_with_id(item, code, data_id).inject([]) {|r, ft| r |= [ft.value]} end # Returns sum of all features for item, by code and data ID def item_features_sum(item, code, data_id) item_features_with_id(item, code, data_id).inject(0.0) {|r, ft| r += ft.value } end # Returns the max value for the code def features_max(code) features(code).collect {|ft| ft.value}.max end # Returns the max value for the code, filtered by ID def features_max_with_id(code, data_id) features_with_id(code, data_id).collect {|ft| ft.value}.max end # Returns the min value for the given code def features_min(code) features(code).collect {|ft| ft.value}.min end # Returns the min value for the given code, filtered by ID def features_min_with_id(code, data_id) features_with_id(code, data_id).collect {|ft| ft.value}.min end # Returns the max value of features for item, filtered by code and ID def item_features_max(item, code, data_id) item_features_with_id(item, code, data_id).collect {|ft| ft.value}.max end # Returns the min value of features for item, filtered by code and ID def item_features_min(item, code, data_id) item_features_with_id(item, code, data_id).collect {|ft| ft.value}.min end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Equip conditions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :feature_manager_equippable? :equippable? def equippable?(item) return false unless feature_manager_equippable?(item) return false if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) && !feature_equip_weapon_ok?(item) return false if item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) && !feature_equip_armor_ok?(item) return true end def feature_equip_weapon_ok?(item) return true end def feature_equip_armor_ok?(item) return true end end class Game_Party attr_accessor :actors end