姫HimeWorks Blog


Key Item Trigger Labels

This script is an add-on for Event Trigger Labels. It allows you to assign key items as trigger labels, allowing you to use key items to trigger events. You can add multiple key item triggers to...


Using Key Items to Trigger Events

This article shows how you can set up events to respond when the player uses a key item on the event. This is the second part of the series on Event Trigger Labels, a concept that...


Checking if any key is pressed

Recently I had needed a way to determine whether any key was pressed on the keyboard. This was because any key could potentially be used as an event trigger, and I didn’t want to assume anything about...


Basic Overview of Blend Modes

In this article we explore a feature built into RPG Maker sprites called Blend Type. Personally, I don’t see it come up very often, and initially I didn’t have much idea how it works...