Category: RGSS3


Equip Param Formulas

This script allows you to use formulas to define parameters for weapons and armors. All attributes that the equip holds can be referenced, including custom attributes defined in other scripts. For example, if you...


Encounter Regions

This script provides finer control over regions and encounters. As a review, an encounter can have up to three regions, including no region. When no region is specified, the encounter can show up anywhere. When a...


Sell Price Formulas

The Shop Manager has been updated to support custom sell price formulas for a shop. By default, the selling price of an item is equal to half the buying price of the good at the...


Attack Skill command

This script allows you to determine an actor’s attack skill based on different properties such as the actor’s equips, currently applied states, class, or the actor itself. You can dynamically change the attack skill...

User attack element modifiers 0

User attack element modifiers

The Attack Element Modifiers script has been updated to support all database objects that supports features. This includes Actors, Classes, Weapons, Armors, States, and Enemies. Now you can create a weapon that allows you...