Category: RGSS3


Command Manager

The command manager is a framework that changes the way commands are handled in RPG Maker. It provides developers with an intuitive way to customize each and every actor’s commands from the basic “Attack” and “Item” commands...

Passive Conditional States 24

Passive Conditional States

Neon Black provides a passive skills script that allows you to create skills that provide constant buffs using states. The states themselves are not added to the actor; instead, it pulls the states’ features and...


Menu Command Manager

An add-on for the Command Manager is available for party menu commands. The party menu is the menu where you manage your party, such as using items or skills outside of battle, equipping your actors, changing...


Multiple Equip Types

This script allows you to assign multiple equip types to an equip. By default, each equip has only one equip type. For example, a sword is a “Weapon” equip type and can only be placed in...