Author: Hime


RPGMaker MV 1.3.0 Update

A new version of RPG Maker MV is available! You can see the official topic here for downloads and information. To update existing projects, go to the NewData folder in your MV installation path and...


Timed Choice Selection

In RPG Maker, you can present players with a set of choices to select. However, by default, they can wait as long as they want to make a selection. Using this plugin, you can automatically...

[Update] Actor Parameter Tables 48

[Update] Actor Parameter Tables

Parameter Tables is a plugin that allows you to manage parameters as spreadsheets. These tables are essentially an extension to the default parameter system, with support for All of the basic parameters – Max...


HMS: Choice Display Mode

By default, when you present players with a set of choices for them to select, the choices will be displayed in a window separate from the message window. However, what if you wanted to present your...


RPG Maker MV 1.2.0 Update

A new version of RPG Maker MV is now available! You can access the download links from the official forum topic. Download Options A new version of the full editor is available for download...